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(mobi) P Antar Ilmu Sejarah Kun Wijoyo Book Zip Full Edition Utorrent


Pengantar Ilmu Sejarah Kuntowijoyo is a book on the history of Indonesia by Indonesian historian and writer Kuntowijoyo. Written in Malay, this book has been banned from publication because it contains "ideas which could be interpreted as against public order". The full text of the book, however, is available online for download. This blog post will contain: - The summary of Pengantar Ilmu Sejarah Kuntowijoyo (the introduction to this history book) - The official document that bans the publishing of this history book and also explains why it was banned. This is an official document from the Ministry of Information and Communication of Indonesia. - A link to download the full version of this history book (pdf format) - Some background about Kuntowijoyo and his works. Summary: Pengantar Ilmu Sejarah Kuntowijoyo [Introduction to History] Kuntowijoyo was born in Blitar, East Java in 30 September 1931. He completed his Bachelor degree in Soedjatmoko University in 1954 and then completed his Master degree in Melbourne University, Australia. In 1955 he became a junior researcher at the Department of History Museum Nasional, Jakarta and later became a researcher at the same department. In 1960 he joined the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) as a lecturer and stayed at LIPI until 1967. He was among those who signed the letter which requested for the government to adopt the policy of banning Communist Party and was also among those who joined People's Democratic Party (PR) in 1947. At that time, Indonesia was still under Dutch colonial rule and there were ideological disputes between Communists and those supporting President Sukarno. There were those who wanted to support President Sukarno as well as those who wanted to support Communists, such as Kuntowijoyo. Kuntowijoyo, in fact, initiated the idea of creating Baku Presidium which is the foundation of PR. But in 1947, when this party was created, Kuntowijoyo left PR together with Radjiman Wedyodiningrat because they thought that the PR leaders had too much compromise with Communists. They then established a group called Setiawan (Devoted). Kuntowijoyo believed that in order to study history correctly, one must understand the philosophy behind it. He also believed that the best place to study history is in museums or historic sites because in these places there are things that can be used to help research better. Historical museums are the only places that preserve historical information. He also believed that in order to produce a good history book, one must study the history of the society before and after the period in which he/she is writing about. The "Pengantar Ilmu Sejarah Kuntowijoyo" history book was put into an internal review by both Ministry of Education and Culture (Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan) and Ministry of Internal Affairs (Kemenkumham). The reason why the government wanted it banned was because there were "ideas in this book which could be interpreted as against public order". There were also some passages in the book which were considered anti-Islamic. cfa1e77820

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